Our Programs


16 Strong Project Youth Advocacy Board

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN! Click here to apply.

16 Strong Youth Advocacy Board (YAB) is an opportunity for youth ages 14-24 to join their fellow peers across the nation in advising 16 Strong Project in the creation of mental health resources and solutions. Our YAB is a unique opportunity for youth to take leadership roles in advocating around mental health and ACEs. YAB members go through a training and are supported in advocacy projects of their choosing in their own schools and/or communities. 16 Strong uplifts and empowers youth voices to be at the forefront of all that we do. Change begins with YOUth.

Youth Mental Health Ambassador

Our ambassadors across the country are committed to coordinating ACEs education and youth mental health efforts in their communities. They play an integral role in awareness raising efforts for our organization and changing life trajectories of youth. We are always looking for more ambassadors/advocates to join our team. Ambassadors can be:

  • Adults who work directly with young people (teachers, counselors, social works, etc.)

  • Youth ages 14-24

  • Individuals generally interested in learning how to make a difference in the lives of our nation’s youth!

Interested? Click the button below to inquire!



16 Strong’s PEACE of Mind Workshop (Personal Empowerment over Adverse Childhood Experiences) is an educational workshop designed for middle and high school students. Our curriculum offers education around ACEs and mental health along with additional support, skills, and strategies for students. Throughout the course of the workshop, students will cover topics such as:

  • Best practices for recognizing the negative effects of facing adversity

  • Preparing for the challenges that arise in such situations

  • Developing healthy coping skills

  • Communicating experience and tools to facilitate healthy dialogue

  • Using appropriate language when talking about mental heath



16 Strong online resources consist of:

  • A blog featuring real stories from individuals who have faced varying adverse childhood experiences

  • Signs and symptoms of ACEs and mental health challenges

  • Links to relevant external resources